Create your own app

Let’s create your first app with Swole, step by step.

Step 1 : Add some Input Widgets

In a python file (let’s name it, import and create Widgets :

from swole.widgets import Input, Markdown

i_a = Input()
i_b = Input()
m = Markdown("Result : ")

Step 2 : Add an AJAX request

To make our app interactive, we create an AJAX request that will be called when we click on a button. This AJAX request will simply compute the result of an addition :

from swole.widgets import button
from swole import ajax

@ajax(i_a, i_b)
def addition(a, b):
    res = a + b
    m.set("Result : {}".format(res))

Button("Compute", onclick=addition)

Step 3 : Serve your app

Finally add the code to serve the app in the main :

from swole import Application

if __name__ == "__main__":

Step 4 : Start your app

Now that the code is written, you can start your app with :

You can visit and see your app running !