Make you own Skin

As mentioned in Styling, you can change the skin of your webpage by simply specifying the path to the skin to use.

This means you can create your own Skin !

Structure of the Skin file

A Skin file is simply a CSS file.

But the content is devided in 3 parts :

  • External CSS
  • External Fonts
  • Custom rules

External CSS and External Fonts are specified as commented links, one link per line. For example :

/* */

These links will automatically be included in the final CSS.

Finally, Custom rules are specified as normal CSS. For example :

body {
    text-align: center;

Each part is divided by an empty line.

So in the end, your custom Skin file may look like :

/* https://cdn./my/imported/css */

/* */

body {
    text-align: center;

Use your own Skin

Create your Skin file following the structure mentioned in previous section.


You can create a copy of the base skin (swole/skins/base.css) as starting point, it’s easier !

Then, when you create your page, specify the path to your custom Skin :
