How it works ?

Swole tries to be as transparent as possible. Applications are made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.


You can always use the “inspect” tool of your browser on a Swole application to view the code.

Core architecture

An application is represented by the Application object. It contains references to one or several Page object.

Each Page has a unique route. The Page is made of several Widget object. These Widget are the basic building blocs, used to create the content of each page.

Each type of Widget is independently built into HTML. The HTML generated for each Page is just the addition of HTML from each of its Widget.


Styling is done using CSS, through the Skin object.

Skin is just a bunch of CSS rules. Each Page is assigned a Skin, and the styling of the elements of the Page is done using the rules from the Skin.

By decoupling style and content, changing the style of the page is as simple as using another Skin.

Server-client interaction

For server-client interaction, Swole uses AJAX requests.

AJAX requests allow the web application to send and receive data from the server in the background. This allow the web page to change dynamically without the need to reload the entire page.

By using AJAX requests, we also have better control of what is send and when, as developer.

AJAX requests are represented by the class Ajax, and can be easily declared using the decorator ajax.